At times, back pain can be excruciating. Perhaps you want relief but are dreading the idea of surgery. Depending on your condition, there may be another option available.
At Virgin Islands Neurology, we have provided pain relief for many by administering injections to relieve back pain. There are different injections geared to targeting specific causes of back pain. Schedule an appointment today at our practice in the U.S. Virgin Islands to see if this could be the right option for you!
Injections for back pain are very common and have long been used as a form of treatment to help reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. These injections are most commonly corticosteroids or steroids, which are injected directly into the affected area.
For certain injections, a small amount of anesthesia may be used, coupled with a corticosteroid. These injections aim to reduce inflammation in the tissues surrounding the site of injury or disease and reduce associated pain.
There are several types of injections available to treat back pain. Each one works in a slightly different way and has its own advantages. The following back injections can be used to relieve pain.
Epidural steroid injection (ESI) is the most common type of injection for lower back pain. Lumbar epidural injections can be used to reduce inflammation that irritates your spinal nerves within the epidural space of your spinal cord that may be causing chronic pain.
An epidural injection can also be used to reduce pain due to herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and other causes.
While performing an epidural steroid injection, your specialist will inject the steroid or corticosteroid medication into the epidural space by the spinal cord in your low back. Lumbar epidural steroid injections generally provide short-term, moderate pain relief.
Additionally, lumbar epidural steroid injections and physical therapy may also prove effective in postponing your need for surgery.
It is essential to remember that lumbar epidural steroid injections are not the same as the epidural anesthesia administered just before childbirth.
Injections may also be used to treat chronic pain that is not caused by inflammation. Trigger point injections (TPI) can be used to treat tight, painful muscle knots in the lower back region. It is common for trigger points to develop due to stress caused by a poor ergonomic working environment or physical inactivity.
Facet joint injection (FJI) may be recommended to relieve lower back pain due to damage or degeneration of the facet joints.
Facet joint injections use a steroid to alleviate inflammation and pain in your lower back, along your spinal cord and other areas. It can also help with the pain that radiates into other areas of your body.
During this treatment, your specialist will place medication within your sacroiliac joints. This type of injection is used to alleviate lower back, buttocks, and leg pain.
Another type of injection is a nerve root block (NRB). Nerve block injections can help minimize symptoms related to pinched nerves in the lower back.
In addition, they can provide relief from sciatica and radicular (nerve-related) pain. Injections are usually done under local anesthesia and can provide short-term or long-term relief from back pain.
Spinal back pain injections are a popular method used to treat chronic and acute back pain. These injections can provide relief for many different types of pain, including pain that originates from the following conditions:
Performing a spinal injection is a very precise and technique-sensitive process that requires significant specialized training. Medical providers who may perform spinal injections include:
Below you will find a brief overview of the injection process.
Although injections can be an effective way to manage back pain, it’s important to understand all the risks and benefits of each type before deciding which injection is right for you.
Our doctors at Virgin Islands Neurology can help you decide which injection is best for your particular situation. With proper care, injections can provide you with relief from chronic back pain.
Schedule an appointment today with our experts in the U.S. Virgin Islands! We are ready to help provide the pain relief you need while putting your mind at ease.
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